20 research outputs found

    Better wound healing in calves held with their mother? : wound healing and salivary cortisol after disbudding in dairy calves with long suckling period

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    Ett flertal studier indikerar på ett samband mellan social interaktion och snabbare sårläkning hos olika djurslag. Social support kan även sänka kortisolnivåer i samband med en stressad situation. Fysisk kontakt mellan ko och kalv kan därför potentiellt bidra till bättre sårläkning och lägre kortisolnivåer hos kalven efter avhorning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ifall sårläkning och koncentration av salivkortisol efter avhorning skiljer sig mellan mjölkraskalvar i grupp med respektive utan sina mammor. Försökskalvarna (n=16) hölls med sina mammor i grupp med andra ko- och kalvpar, och kontrollkalvarna (n=16) hölls i grupp med varandra. Kalvarna avhornades vid 14–20 dagars ålder och såren i respektive grupp mättes under de fyra nästkommande veckorna. Salivprover för analys av kortisol togs i försöksgruppen (n = 9) respektive kontrollgruppen (n = 9) vid fyra tidpunkter: 24 timmar före samt 4, 27 och 48 timmar efter avhorning. Ingen statistisk skillnad mellan grupperna kunde fastslås avseende procentuell förändring i sårdiameter fyra veckor efter avhorning (p = 0,056), men försökskalvarna hade en påfallande större sårreduktion än kontrollkalvarna. Inga statistiska skillnader förelåg mellan grupperna avseende salivkortisol vid 24 timmar före avhorning (p = 0,748), inte heller 4 (p = 0,736), 27 (p = 0,150) eller 48 (p = 0,719) timmar efter avhorning. Detta indikerar indirekt att den iögonfallande skillnaden i sårläkning mellan grupperna inte berodde på skillnader i kortisolnivåer efter avhorning.Several studies indicate a relationship between social interaction and faster wound healing in different species. Social support can also have an inhibitory effect on cortisol levels in the context of a stressful situation. Physical contact between cow and calf can therefore potentially contribute to a better wound healing and lower cortisol levels in calves after disbudding. The aim of this study was to investigate if wound healing and salivary cortisol levels after disbudding are different in dairy calves held in groups with or without their mothers. Test calves (n=16) were held with their biological mothers in group with other cow-calf pairs, and control calves (n=16) were held in group with each other. Disbudding was performed on calves aged 14–20 days and the wounds in each group were measured during the next four weeks. Saliva samples were collected for cortisol analysis at four different times: 24 hours before, followed by 4, 27 and 48 hours after disbudding. No significant difference was found between the groups regarding percentual difference in wound diameter after four weeks (p = 0,056), but the wounds in test calves had a notable greater reduction than wounds in control calves. No statistical differences were found between groups regarding salivary cortisol at 24 hours before (p = 0,748), neither 4 (p = 0,736), 27 (p = 0,150) or 48 hours (p = 0,719) after disbudding. These results indirectly indicate that the notable difference in wound healing between the groups was not due to differences in cortisol levels after dehorning

    Constant rate infusion with alpha2 agonists in horses : effects on cardiovascular functions, oxygenation and post-anaesthetic recovery

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    Anestesi på häst är associerat med stora risker och hög mortalitet, och inhalationsmedel som används i dagsläget har en uttalad negativ effekt på kardiovaskulära funktioner och respiration. Detta är viktigt att ha i åtanke i samband med narkos, då cirkulationskollaps och hjärtstillestånd är de vanligaste orsakerna till dödsfall associerade till hästanestesi. Även vävnadsskador kan uppkomma, och tillräcklig syretillförsel till vävnaderna är därför viktigt för att förebygga skadlig hypoxi. Uppvakning efter anestesin är ytterligare ett kritiskt och riskfyllt moment, där farliga situationer potentiellt kan förebyggas genom att förlänga durationen på uppvakningen med tillförsel av sederande läkemedel. För att minimera eller förebygga negativa effekter av inhalationsanestesi kan inhalationsmedel kombineras med tillförsel av alfa2-agonister. En vanligt förekommande metod för administrering av dessa substanser under anestesin är via konstantinfusion, och flera studier under senare år har undersökt fysiologiska effekter vid anestesiprotokoll av detta slag. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka hur konstantinfusion av en alfa2-agonist under inhalationsanestesi påverkar några specifika parametrar jämfört med enbart inhaleringsmedel, samt jämfört med några andra sederande läkemedel. Parametrarna som undersöks är kardiovaskulär funktion, syresättning och uppvaknande. De alfa2-agonister som undersöks är detomidin, medetomidin och dexmedetomidin. Alfa2-agonister är den vanligast använda läkemedelsgruppen vid sedering av häst, och effekter som ses vid administrering av alfa2-agonister är sedering, muskelavslappning och analgesi. Alfa2-agonisternas verkningsmekanismer kan liksom inhalationsmedel medföra oönskade fysiologiska effekter som kan utgöra en ökad risk under anestesin, och beroende på vilka alfa-receptorer som aktiveras varierar det fysiologiska svaret. Aktivering av pre-synaptiska alfa2-receptorer orsakar vasodilatering och minskad resistans i blodkärl med blodtryckssänkning, medan aktivering av post-synaptiska receptorer orsakar vasokonstriktion och ökad resistans i blodkärl. Utöver detta inducerar alfa2-agonister även bradykardi. I de undersökta studierna observerades varierande effekter på kardiovaskulära parametrar och syresättning, men vissa mönster kunde identifieras. Konstantinfusion med alfa2-agonister, både jämfört med enbart inhalationsmedel och infusion av andra läkemedel, gav ofta minskat hjärtindex och hjärtfrekvens samt ett ökat blodtryck. Syresättningen minskade till viss del i några av artiklarna men hölls ofta på en acceptabel nivå tack vare mekanisk ventilering, och skillnader mellan alfa2-agonister och jämförande grupper hade begränsad klinisk relevans. Hästarna uppvisade efter infusion med alfa2-agonister färre resningsförsök efter anestesin, och fick högre betyg på uppvakningarna vid utvärderingarna.Anaesthesia in horses is associated with great risks and high mortality rates, and inhalation drugs used today have profound negative effects on cardiovascular and respiration functions. This is important to consider during operations requiring general anaesthesia, since circulation collapse and heart arrests are the most common causes of death associated with equine anaesthesia. Harmful tissue damage can arise, and adequate oxygenation is therefore crucial to prevent hypoxia. Post-anaesthetic recovery is a critical phase as well, during which injuries can potentially be avoided by prolonging the duration of the recovery by administration of sedative drugs. To minimize or prevent negative effects from anaesthetic inhalation drugs, these can be combined with alpha2 agonists. A common method of administrating these substances during general anaesthesia is through a constant rate infusion, and several recent studies have investigated the physiological effects of anaesthetic protocols of this kind. The aim of this literature review is to investigate how a constant rate infusion with alpha2 agonists during equine anaesthesia affects some specific parameters compared to solely inhalation drugs, and compared to some other sedative drugs. The investigated parameters are cardiovascular function, oxygenation and post-anaesthetic recovery. The alpha2 agonists included in the review are detomidine, medetomidine and dexmedetomidine. Alpha2 agonists is the most commonly used group of sedatives in horses, and when administrated they provide sedation, muscle relaxation and analgesia. The mechanisms of action, like inhalation drugs, may induce adverse effects in patients, and the physiological response varies depending on which alpha receptors are being activated. Activation of pre-synaptic alpha2 receptors induces vasodilation with a decreased vascular resistance and drop in blood pressure, while post-synaptic receptor activation induces vasoconstriction and increased vascular resistance. Furthermore, alpha2 agonists cause bradycardia in patients. In the articles included in this review varying effects on cardiovascular parameters and oxygenation were observed, but some patterns could be identified. Constant rate infusion with alpha2 agonists, both in comparison to solely inhalation anaesthesia and to infusion of other sedatives, caused a decrease in cardiac index and heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. Oxygenation decreased to some extent in some articles but remained at an adequate level due to mechanical ventilation, and differences between alpha2 agonists and compared groups had little clinical relevance. Horses given alpha2 infusions showed fewer attempts to stand post-anaesthesia and received higher evaluation scores on recoveries

    Phosphodiesterase 3B Is Localized in Caveolae and Smooth ER in Mouse Hepatocytes and Is Important in the Regulation of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism

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    Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are important regulators of signal transduction processes mediated by cAMP and cGMP. One PDE family member, PDE3B, plays an important role in the regulation of a variety of metabolic processes such as lipolysis and insulin secretion. In this study, the cellular localization and the role of PDE3B in the regulation of triglyceride, cholesterol and glucose metabolism in hepatocytes were investigated. PDE3B was identified in caveolae, specific regions in the plasma membrane, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In caveolin-1 knock out mice, which lack caveolae, the amount of PDE3B protein and activity were reduced indicating a role of caveolin-1/caveolae in the stabilization of enzyme protein. Hepatocytes from PDE3B knock out mice displayed increased glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which was associated with increased expression of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes/enzymes including, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c and hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. In conclusion, hepatocyte PDE3B is localized in caveolae and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and plays important roles in the regulation of glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism. Dysregulation of PDE3B could have a role in the development of fatty liver, a condition highly relevant in the context of type 2 diabetes

    Sex education or population planning? : A qualitative text analysis of Elise Ottesen-Jensen and Elin Cederblom's texts on sex and relations between the years 1909-1928

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    This thesis discusses authors Elise Ottesen-Jensen and Elin Cederblom’s texts on sex education in the early 20th century. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how sexuality, women, men and gender are portrayed in the texts and books. The study aims to explore whether the authors texts vary depending on their ideological affiliation which is made visible through intersectional theory. Ottesen-Jensen writes from a working class and socialist perspective whilst Cederblom provides a conservative perspective on the subject. Through a qualitative text analysis, the study examines and compares how sexuality is portrayed and treated in the texts and how the discussion regarding sex education in relation to men, women and gender develops. To give the discussion a greater depth, the method also has a large focus on the authors context and the context of the time where the study takes place which makes connections and patterns more visible. The conclusion of this thesis is that the authors provide different views on sex education.  Ottesen-Jensen is significantly more progressive in her advice and opinions than Cederblom who has a conservative approach. Both authors have a clear view of what tasks a woman should be engaged in and what a man should do. While the man is seen as a figure of the public and working life, the woman has great responsibility at home in the reproduction, upbringing of children and everything else related to it. The source material matches the context of the time and its accepted views. Regardless of the authors' ideological affiliation both Cederblom and Ottesen-Jensen’s material discusses sex education in relation to thoughts and opinions about eugenics and population planning. What is most characteristic of the study's conclusion is the material's mixture of conservative and progressive opinions. Progressive opinions that are still relevant today such as views on abortion and prostitution

    Det gör ont i hjärtat : En vetenskaplig essä om barns bästa i relation till sömn

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    I have written an essay about children's best interests in relation to sleep. As a starting point, I have used two stories and the dilemmas from my working life. The first story depicts asituation where I go against the guardians’ interests that their child should not sleep by lettingher fall asleep anyway when she is unable to stay awake. In the second, a situation is portrayed with a child who does not show any need for sleep but who I still received instructions to get to sleep. The purpose of this essay is to explore the term child's best interests and what it means in relation to children's sleep. The questions I have started fromare: How can the wording of the child's best be interpreted in relation to the sleep problems at preschool? Why is there so little trust in educators' professional opinions about sleep? Howcan I find the balance between my own experiential knowledge and what the family claims istheir best? This essay is divided into three different parts. A deep dive into the term the child's best interests and what it means to me as a preschool teacher seen from the perspective of laws and preschool governing documents. A scientific part where I explain the biological effects of sleep through research and scientific articles. Finally, there is a theoretical part where I start from Aristotle's concept of knowledge and Dreyfus & Dreyfus' theory of the acquisition of practical knowledge. Through these theories of practical knowledge, I land in proximityethical reasoning and its significance for my professional role. The term child's best interests according to laws and governing documents leaves no room for interpretation for me as a preschool teacher during the time I am responsible for the child inquestion. How collaboration between preschool and home should take place, however, isunspoken even if the goal of collaboration is clear. Research has reported that night sleep is disturbed by midday naps due the total sleep per day is constant. However, it has also shownthat sleep is important for learning and memory. Furthermore, I have emphasized the importance of good sleep hygiene as there has been no research that has shown that difficulty sleeping in the evening is due to loss of midday naps. The practical knowledge together with the proximity ethics is about being able to interpret a child's need for sleep and determine the balance between teaching and care

    Damidrotten och den onda cirkeln : En jämförelse av public service och kommersiella etermediers sportrapportering

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    Uppsatsen undersöker kommersialiseringens påverkan på sportrapportering ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. TV-kanalerna SVT och TV4 ligger till grund för undersökningen och deras största sportprogram Sporten och Sportnytt jämförs. Frågeställningarna som besvaras i undersökningen handlar om hur könsfördelningen ser ut i kanalernas TV-sändningar, vilka idrotter som prioriteras samt hur kanalernas jämställdhetsarbete ser ut och motiveras. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är kommersialiseringsteori, genusteori och tokenism. Undersökningen består av en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen består av 51 sportsändningar från respektive kanal varav 460 inslag från TV4 och 549 inslag från SVT. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med kanalernas sportchefer.  Resultatet visar att SVT rapporterar om damidrott i högre utsträckning än TV4. Resultatet visar också att SVT har en tydligare utarbetad jämställdhetsplan än TV4 men att båda kanalerna strävar mot att bevaka damidrott i större utsträckning än vad de enligt våra mätningar gör i dagsläget. Undersökningen kommer fram till att orsakerna till varför damidrott är mindre bevakat än herridrott huvudsakligen beror på kommersialisering av sport och genusstrukturer.

    Miljöansvaret inom CSR hos olika företag. : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker miljöansvaret inom olika företag.

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    Abstract Title: The environmental responsibility of CSR in different companies Date: 2016-05-26 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Maja Lindqvist    Nathalie Johansson    Rebecka Thörnblom                 1993-03-23         1992-06-24                  1991-06-12 Examiner: Jimmy Röndell Tutor: Magnus Linderström Keywords: CSR, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, environmental responsibility Pages: 36 Research question: How does these companies differ in their responsibility and work regarding the environmental aspect of CSR?  Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine how the audited companies are working to maintain a sustainable environment, and what similarities and differences there are between them. Method: The study is based on a qualitative method with a deductive approach, to transparently create an ambiguous empirical basis of the respondents’ perspective. The theory is based on what is considered relevant information for this research. The study’s empirical work is based on four semi-structured interviews with a total of five respondents from three different companies, selected through a goal-oriented selection. The study achieved a reliability through the use of credible sources and databases. All parts are taken in consideration for the preparation of the analysis and the conclusion which are completing this study. Conclusion: It is possible to discern that service companies focus on reducing their environmental footprint by minimizing their business traveling, which means that they have a relatively small environmental impact. The manufacturing company is unlike the other companies in this study, because they are bound to environmental laws and have more established environmental strategies within the company because of its big environmental impact.Sammanfattning Titel: Miljöansvaret inom CSR hos olika företag Seminariedatum: 2016-05-26 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Maja Lindqvist    Nathalie Johansson    Rebecka Thörnblom                    1993-03-23          1992-06-24                 1991-06-12 Examinator: Jimmy Röndell Handledare: Magnus Linderström Nyckelord: CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, hållbar utveckling, miljöansvar Sidantal: 36 Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig företagens ansvarstagande och arbete kring miljöaspekten inom CSR? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de granskade företagen arbetar för att upprätthålla en hållbar utveckling inom miljö, samt vilka skillnader och likheter det finns mellan dessa. Metod: Studien är uppbyggd på en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats, för att med öppenhet skapa en mångtydig empiri utifrån respondenternas perspektiv. Teorin grundas i vad som ansetts vara relevant information inom forskningsområdet. Studiens empiri är baserad på fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt fem respondenter från tre olika företag, som valts ut genom ett målstyrt urval. Studien har uppnått en tillförlitlighet genom användandet av trovärdiga källor och databaser. Samtliga delar tas i beaktning under framställandet av analys och slutsats som avslutar studien. Slutsats: Det går att urskilja att tjänsteföretagen arbetar mer med att minska sin miljöpåverkan av sina tjänsteresor vilket innebär att de har en relativt liten miljöpåverkan. Företaget som är ett tillverkningsföretag har till skillnad från de andra företagen lagförda miljödirektiv vilket etablerar tydligare och mer strukturerade strategier inom företaget på grund av dess stora miljöpåverkan

    The relationship between dry rheology and particle shape of natural and manufactured sand

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    Understanding the effect of particle shape on dry rheology is considered to be an important aspect in order to replace natural sand used in concrete with man-made manufactured sand. There is a significant difference in particle shape and surface texture between crushed rock material (aggregates) and natural sand. The crushed aggregates are normally less rounded and have less equally shaped dimensions compared to natural sand. Thus, the flow ability of the concrete will be different. The main difference is explained by a difference in the wet rheology of the cement paste which in turn is affected by the smallest particles in the size range from microns to a few millimetres. In previous research, it has been demonstrated how different crushing techniques affects the shape of the produced particles. In many cases it is believed that Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) -technology is the way forward to replace natural sand. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between dry rheology measured with the so called flow cone and particle shape parameters measured with an optical image analyser technique